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Practical Steps for Parents to Support Speech Delay

Writer's picture: Nicole Bennett Blake Nicole Bennett Blake

As a parent, supporting your child’s language development at home is crucial. Here are practical steps you can take to help your child with a language delay:

1. Seek Professional Evaluation:

  • Before diving into specific activities, have your child evaluated by a speech-language pathologist (SLP).

2. Encourage Communication:

  • Talk to Your Child: From the time they’re born, engage in conversations with your child. Describe what you’re doing, ask questions, and encourage them to respond.

  • Respond to Babbling: When your baby babbles, respond enthusiastically. This interaction lays the foundation for language development.

  • Sing to Your Child: Even when they’re a baby, sing nursery rhymes and simple songs. Music enhances language skills.

  • Read Aloud: Start reading to your child early. Choose age-appropriate books with colorful pictures. Point to objects and name them as you read.

3. Establish a Language-Rich Environment:

  • Label Objects: As you go about your day, label everyday objects. For example, say, “This is a spoon,” while feeding your child.

  • Describe Actions: Narrate what’s happening around you. If you’re cooking, say, “I’m stirring the soup.”

  • Expand on Their Words: If your child says a single word, expand it into a simple sentence. For instance, if they say “dog,” you can say, “Yes, that’s a big brown dog.”

  • Use Gestures: Combine words with gestures to reinforce meaning. Point to the sky while saying “bird.”

  • Play Pretend: Engage in pretend play. Use dolls, action figures, or stuffed animals to create scenarios and encourage conversation.

4. Engage in Speech-Enhancing Activities:

  • Play with Sounds: Make animal noises, imitate sirens, or create funny sounds together.

  • Rhyming Games: Play rhyming games using simple words. For example, “What rhymes with ‘cat’? Hat!”

  • Storytelling: Use picture books to tell stories. Encourage your child to predict what happens next.

  • Cook Together: Cooking involves following instructions and describing steps. Talk about ingredients and actions.

  • Art and Crafts: Describe colors, shapes, and textures while doing art projects.

  • Outdoor Exploration: Talk about nature, animals, and the environment during walks or visits to the park.

Remember, progress may be gradual, but consistency matters. Celebrate every effort your child makes, whether it’s a new word, a clearer pronunciation, or an attempt at storytelling. Your love, patience, and active involvement will make a significant difference in your child’s language development journey.


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